It's been a journey

of unlearning.

It's been a journey

of unlearning.

It's been a journey

of unlearning.

How can my journey help you?

Getting back to that Ah-ha! moment I mentioned… My colleagues liked what I was doing for them. I was excelling, in large part because I thrived off of praise for a job well done. 

I wasn’t aware that I had become dependent on this pattern. Seeking praise from others was a survival strategy I developed as a child and the only way I knew to measure my value and purpose.

I tied my value and worth to praise from others. I was a habitual People Pleaser! 

I realized this early in my coaching journey by examining my behavior in various situations. I identifying my patterns eventually recognizing that what had been a huge Ah-ha! moment to me, was probably a big ole Duh! to those close to me.

I simply couldn't see it on my own!

It is so hard – sometimes impossible – to see our own stuff. 

How can we objectively become aware of our own behaviors? 

For decades, I was so busy seeking praise from others that I wasn’t able to acknowledge the potential that 1). this was an unconscious behavioral pattern and 2). it was the main thing holding me back from positive growth.

It was my coaching mentor who listened intently and asked questions that reflected my thoughts back to me that finally allowed me to hear what I had been trying to tell myself the whole time!  Someone else telling me what I should do to find happiness and fulfillment wasn’t going to work, I had to figure it out for myself. And I had all the answers within me!

I sensed that something was wrong in my approach to finding happiness. I wasn’t until I was unable to change my perspective on the “obstacles” that were showing up in my path and see them as opportunities to change, that I was able to identify that: I was in my own way, I was the one perpetuating the problem. 

Doing & Being. How the two correlate.

I was on autopilot doing whatever the job was at the moment well. I thought making others happy was enough to make me happy. I wasn’t conscious of how I wanted to be to truly feel my happiness from within.

As I have committed to doing my work, I have seen that when what you do is in alignment with how you want to be, life is so much more fulfilling

Obstacles are often there to push you in the right direction. My mother has always said, if we don’t get the lesson the first time, the Universe will keep serving it back up to us in different ways. Whether we fight the obstacles we are presented with or we lean into them, we are learning. That’s right, you’re going to learn either way. 

How much time have you spent ‘re-learning’ the same lessons? How much energy have you put into complaining about why things are the way they are in your life? How often do you feel you just don’t have the power to change the things you don’t like?

It is when we can look within and get real and honest with ourselves that we can bring awareness to the patterns behind our behaviors. It is then that the Ah-ha! can really hit us on the head and we can live more aligned in how we want to BE (show up) in this world and make the choice to DO (our actions) the things that make that a reality.

Confronting something uncomfortable can be tough. The saying, "better the devil you know than the devil you don't," reflects our tendency to stick with familiar discomfort rather than face the unknown demands or possibilities of something better.

You have to decide that you are worth taking that deep look at yourself. 

Making the change can be much simpler than you think, especially using the support of a coach and utilizing proven methods that incorporate neuroscience to reprogram our brains so that we can develop new neural pathways. Much like any other exercise, it isn’t easy at first, but with practice, positive change is possible and becomes a positive habit that we crave. 

. . .and it is through doing this work that the woman who had always been Annie Dietz

discovered The Annie Dietz within herself!!!

My Coaching Philosophy

The beauty of coaching is that I partner with you in your process of transformation. We look at where you are today and together we discover your secret recipe to set you up for success as you move forward. Your program is tailored to your specific needs, as determined by you. I help take what you might feel is fuzzy or blocking you and bring in clarity through holding a safe and confidential space for you to look within and gain a different perspective on areas where you are feeling stuck.

Tap into your own answers

You have the answers, I help you uncover them and build upon your natural strengths and abilities.

Build awareness

When clients are aware of their state of being, the doing naturally follows.

Caring bond

The power of coaching comes from the strength of connection between the coach and client.


Within a supportive and safe environment you are supported to discover the right direction for you.

My Coaching Philosophy

The beauty of coaching is that I partner with you in your process of transformation. We look at where you are today and together we discover your secret recipe to set you up for success as you move forward. Your program is tailored to your specific needs, as determined by you. I help take what you might feel is fuzzy or blocking you and bring in clarity through holding a safe and confidential space for you to look within and gain a different perspective on areas where you are feeling stuck.

Tap into your own answers

You have the answers, I help you uncover them and build upon your natural strengths and abilities.

Build awareness

When clients are aware of their state of being, the doing naturally follows.

Caring bond

The power of coaching comes from the strength of connection between the coach and client.


Within a supportive and safe environment you are supported to discover the right direction for you.

My Coaching Philosophy

The beauty of coaching is that I partner with you in your process of transformation. We look at where you are today and together we discover your secret recipe to set you up for success as you move forward. Your program is tailored to your specific needs, as determined by you. I help take what you might feel is fuzzy or blocking you and bring in clarity through holding a safe and confidential space for you to look within and gain a different perspective on areas where you are feeling stuck.

Tap into your own answers

You have the answers, I help you uncover them and build upon your natural strengths and abilities.

Build awareness

When clients are aware of their state of being, the doing naturally follows.

Caring bond

The power of coaching comes from the strength of connection between the coach and client.


Within a supportive and safe environment you are supported to discover the right direction for you.

Curious to know more?

Are you looking for specific areas where I may be able to help you? Check out the different packages I offer to see if one feels right for you

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